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Recently I had an...shall we say.... interesting experience with a wannabees slave. On July 4th, of 2004 I had an individual contact me because he had read some of my work and was interested in becoming my slave. As I normally do I required him to make contact each day, which he did fairly well. He emailed me, or IM'ed me and when he couldn't do either he would call me and let me know. A couple of times when he called he slurred his words, but at the time I accounted that to a speech impairment and just assumed that I had just not noticed it before. Any time he failed to contact me he managed to come up with a believable excuse, but for the most part he followed my instructions.


After months of discussions, and asking questions, I finally decided that I would give him a try. To be quite honest he sounded wonderful, he stated that he was 52 yrs old and he had 30 yrs experience as a slave. He had been formally trained in the Czech Republic at the Other World Kingdom; he also stated that he had training in Australia as well as here in the states. He stated he enjoyed domestic duties, but had limited abilities when it came to cooking. He spoke French and Spanish as well as English and that he enjoyed philosophy, religion, and political science. He enjoyed intelligent conversation, giving massages, service in every manner, and reading. All that he asked was that he be given enough time each day to meditate and do his Ti Chi... the rest of the time was mine to govern as I wish. The only concern that I had about this individual was the fact that he had a 2 yr old Doberman Pincher that he had to bring with him, that and the fact that he was living with his parents.


He did not have a car so that meant I was going to have to drive 12 hours to pick him up and then drive back, all on my weekend...I couldn't get any days off from work at the time. So on Nov 5th of 2004 I headed out, the drive wasn't that bad, although my back was killing me by the time I reached the city where he lived. When I pulled into his place it wasn't bad, in fact it was a beautiful place. He had a room in the garage that his parents had made into a small apartment, I didn't go in there to look so I have no idea what his place looked like on the inside. My first clue that something was up was when he was putting his stuff in my car I noticed the six-pack of beer he loaded in with the rest of his stuff. I told him that I don't like my slaves to drink, and he stated that he only drinks on occasions and that he didn't want to leave the beer at home and let it go to waste.


I was tired and I wanted to make sure that this is really what we both wanted so we went to a Waffle House and I got some coffee and a lite breakfast and we talked for a hour or so. He kept reassuring me that this is what he wanted and that he was willing to serve and obey me. He seemed very talkative, like when someone is nervous, and he had a nervous laugh that was setting off warning signs that something just didn't feel right to me but instead of following my instincts and turning around and heading back home I decided to take the risk. I kept telling myself that this is the first time we had actually met and of course he was nervous, everyone gets nervous at a time like that...just because I wasn't nervous doesn't mean a thing. I wasn't nervous until he started driving home that is.


He informed me that he had some problems with seeing, that he needed to have glasses but he never seemed to have the funds to get the exam and the glasses. I kind of understood that, since I tend to put off going to the doctor until the last moment. So his driving was a little erratic, so what...just means he needs glasses.... At least that is what I thought at the time.


After about 6 hours and me being able to relax just barely enough to sleep for about an hour I decided to take over driving again, and hence drove the rest of the way home. So after about 18 hours of driving and about one hour of sleep in a 30-hour period to say the least I was pooped.


When we got home it was a whole new adventure, all I wanted to do was to sleep but I needed to check my email and see what was going on in my group. So I introduced the slave to my friends, that just happened to have stopped by... and I let them get acquainted. It didn't take long and I realized something was wrong, I couldn't put my finger on it but something was definitely wrong.


A Domme friend of mine was there when we got home and the two of them were talking while I was checking my email. Three times I had to remind the male to quiet down that he was almost yelling. Again I thought it was a bad case of nerves, although most slaves I know get quieter when they are nervous not noisier. Also he asked if he could drink a beer, in order to relax...I didn't see the harm at the time so I allowed it. I wasn't paying much attention to him but I find out that within 30 minutes or so he had downed 3 beers. I informed him that it was a shame that he had consumed alcohol, because neither my friend nor myself would touch him if he has alcohol in his system. At that he almost cried, upset that I would allow him to drink without telling him of my rule... I simply stated that one must live and learn.


The next morning I started the day off with giving the male a set of my rules, oddly enough they are posted to my group and I know for a fact I ordered him to read them a while back to see if he could handle living with my rules. One of my rules is no alcohol. When I handed him the rules he asked if he had to memorize them and I informed him that I wanted him to know each and every one by heart and from this point on he would be responsible for obeying those rules. I gave him until the end of the month to memorize them, and he stated that I was being more than fair.


The day started off on a fairly interesting note, the male wanted to go looking around town so we all got in the car and went on a tour of the town. So we drove around and enjoyed ourselves on my last day of my weekend. The last stop was a Brown Derby, which for those that don't know is a liquor store. He wanted to see if they have a specific imported beer. So we went in and yup, he bought another six pack. I allowed this because I wanted to see what he would do. He now knows that I will not play with him if he has been drinking and that I will not allow him to play with anyone else, plus he knows my rules as well. So here it goes, test one. WOOPS! He failed. Oh well.


Later on that evening I started instructing the male on what he duties were, and telling him how I want things done. Well let me tell you what, it didn't take long for him to start whining about his back hurting from the car ride. Now just to give you a little history on that, a while back (not sure how long ago) the male had an accident where he broke his neck in three placed; and he was in a neck cage for 6 months, but according to him...he has no physical limitation at this point...wrong! My back was giving me some problems as well, but I had been in that stupid car from 3pm on the 5th until 7pm on the 6th. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and allowed him to bum around the house for the day. He wanted to go see a local doctor and see if he can get something for the pain. That night he was begging betsy for some of her prescription pain meds that had been given her after she had her surgery. I refused to allow him to have her medicine; I offered him Ibuprophen, Tylenol, Aleve, and Oritus KT. He however wanted her Hydrocodone, but since it wasn't prescribed to him I would here no more about it.


I mixed up an oil consisting of white camphor, eucalyptus and mineral oil and had both betsy and the male lay down (betsy's back was hurting as well) I warmed the oil and then rubbed in into their back, then I poured warm paraffin from my paraffin vat over the sore achy areas, by the time I was finished betsy was practically purring, but the male was still griping about wanting the drugs. I told him again that they were not prescribed to him so he could not take it. Then he stated that he had taken them in the past so it shouldn't be a problem, again I stated no. By this time I was getting a little tired of his whining and begging. I informed him that we would make an appointment with the doctor I use for betsy and see about getting him something for the pain, other than that he had the over the counter stuff he could use, and a hot bath.


After a few minutes he began arguing with betsy, to be honest I am not sure what started the argument. He was being belligerent and disrespectful to her, I warned him twice to watch him mouth but he kept on. He actually had the nerve to state that betsy was weak and useless... I am presuming because she was in bed for the most part, I must explain for those that do not know... betsy had gone through major surgery on October the 25th and had just been out of the hospital for about a week. She was not on solid foods yet and was in quite a bit of pain, that plus the fact that she had torn a ligament in her back a few weeks before surgery to say the least she was not as active as she normally was.


With that insult betsy walked out of the room, stating she doesn't have to put up with that type of treatment. I was furious, no one treats my property like that...not even myself. So instead of screaming as I wished to do, I calmly asked the male why he was behaving in such a rude and thoughtless manner. He stated that all women were superior to males and that it sickened him to see a female so weak. He went on and on about female supremacy and how women were so much more than males. It was at that time that betsy made a reappearance, her question was quite simple, if he believes that women are superior to men then why did he treat her in such a dishonorable manner? I calmed her down and stated that he was basically testing her, seeing how she would react in such a stressful situation. In other words he wanted to see what would happen if he pushed everyone's buttons. As I explained this to her, he was sitting in a recliner behind me listening intently to what I said to her. When he least expected it I turned around and grabbed his face, squeezing his cheeks with grasp, I put my face three inches from his, stared him straight in the eyes and began to yell at him.

"This is a lady! do you understand me?"

"You will treat her as a lady at all time! do you understand me?"

"This is a lady! Now tell me what is she?!?!"

He whimpered and stated that she was a lady. With that I pushed his face away from me in disgust. I noticed as I did that he was sporting a rather rude erection. Hence I knew that I had been correct, he wanted to be put in his place...by force. He put his arms around my waist and thanked me, stating that I truly did understand him. 


Monday Nov, 8th.

I decided to let things rest where they were for the time being and went to bed. The next morning I explained to betsy that she would have to be firm with him, since that is what he expected from females. I told the male to obey her as he would obey me and I went to work, I also left a list of things for the male to do while I was at work. A friend of mine was going to be spending the night and staying for the following day, I told him that if he wished to take the male out sight seeing tomorrow that he could, but that he was to remain neutral since the male would not work well with another male giving him orders. 


When I got home betsy was terribly upset, my friend was there as well ... I wasn't worried until my friend told me to set down that we needed to talk. The male had already gone to bed and had not waited up to greet me when I came home, which I found odd. Since betsy is always up and meets me when I get home from work, even though I get off work at 2am. The first thing I was presented with was the fact that the male had done almost none of the things I had instructed him to do, in fact the only things he had done all day was to walk his dog, take a shower (I will get back to this later) and he attempted to vacuum the living room. The dishes had not been done, even though I have a dishwasher. The laundry had not been done, even though betsy was the one that had put it in the washer and showed him how to use it. My dogs had not been walked even though his dog had. The litter boxes had not been cleaned out and the trash had not been emptied. Then my friend informed me that the male had asked him to take him to the College that the male had gone to when he had lived in this city some 30 odd years ago, and that while he had been driving around campus the male had been hanging out the window making lude or disruptive remarks to individuals that were walking on campus. Then the male had asked my friend to take him to a liquor store, which he did... simply because I had instructed my friend not to get involved. The male slave bought a large bottle of beer at that point, I think it was a 20oz but I may be mistaken.


By the time I heard all this I was fuming once again. I desperately needed time to think. So I got as much information from each of them as possible and went to bed once again. Thinking that I would straighten this all out in the morning.




Tue, Nov 9th

Betsy had made a doctor's appointment for the male at 9:30am and had taken him; the nurse said it might take a few hours especially if they were going to have to do x-rays of his neck and spine to see if there was anything wrong there. She had merely planned to drop him off and come back home and then pick him up when he was finished, but when she pulled into the parking lot he ordered her to stay with him, to say the least she was shocked. Not only was she not used to being ordered to do something by a slave but she knew I would be up in a short while and she had to get my clothing set out and my breakfast ready before I woke up so she merely dropped him off...telling him to call when he was ready to come home. At 10:30 she got a little worried about it and woke me up and explained what had happened. I could not believe he had the nerve to order her to stay with him. Oh well I decided that I wasn't putting up with his bullshit this early in the morning and got dressed and went down to the doctor's office myself. I waited in the waiting room until he came out. He seemed to like the doctor I had sent him to but when I asked him about his behavior with betsy he merely stated that he had been joking with her and that she had no sense of humor. Personally I found that comment to be rather ignorant, anyone who has read my "Slaves Say The Darndest Things" knows betsy has a wonderful sense of humor.


The male had a prescription for 30 Percucet for the pain and wanted to get it filled, so I took him by the drug store. While in there he made a fool of himself once again, the pharmacist was having trouble reading the prescription, she couldn't make out one of the numbers and was leery of filling the prescription without verification from the doctor, who was at lunch right then, so instead of waiting patiently or stating we could come back later and fill it he started making rude comments about her inability to read. I was so ashamed at that moment I almost walked out of the store. In a few minutes the pharmacist came to the counter and stated that she went ahead and filled the prescription but that if anyone asked that she had never seen the prescription and had no clue who he was. I apologized and thanked her for her patience. After he paid for the prescription I escorted him out of the building. I did not say a word until we reached the car. I informed him that his behavior was unacceptable and that he had embarrassed me, all he wanted to do was talk about how anyone could see the numbers on the prescription were a five and a six... taking no responsibility for his actions.


 Again I was fuming, but driving down a busy street was no place to blow up. So I kept my mouth shut and went home. I was going to have to go to work in a little while and I wasn't about to go to work upset so, I set both betsy and the male down and tried to get them to talk about the day before. He stated that betsy was psychotic and controlling and that he could not do anything right for her. I asked him why not, he started accusing her of all sorts of things like watching every move he made and nagging him, following him around to make sure things were done correctly and ordering him around. At that I stopped the conversation, I explained to him that the behavior he had described was exactly what he asked for the night before. He simply stated that he couldn't follow her like he would me, that it wasn't the same. So I told betsy just to treat him as she would any other slave and let me take care of the rest. I know that she was quite relieved to hear that since she honestly doesn't have a dominant bone in her body.

So off to work I went, thinking that all was right in the world, I informed the male to  walk the dogs and basically take it easy for the day (would you believe he got a note from the doctor stating that he needed to be excused from work for the next two days... no kidding).


When I got home I expected the male to be up and waiting, again a disappointment. Betsy informed me that he had been in bed all day and that he had not even bothered to take the dogs out for a walk or even take a shower, the only thing he had done was take his dog for a walk. There was one more little bit of information that slapped me in the face, while he walked his dog he went down to the Brown Derby that was about five blocks from the house and had bought more liquor. Most of it I assume he drank there, but betsy had found a six pack on the front porch swing when she had taken the dogs out for a walk. She left it there and told me about it as soon as I got home.


Before I went to bed I walked into the males room and turned on the light, I informed him that we needed to talk and that I expected him to be up and have my coffee ready by 11am the next morning. Then I turned and headed to my room, where I went to bed.


Wend, Nov 10th

The next morning I got up at 11am as usual, (I leave the house to go to work at 2pm, and work from 3pm until 2am). I expected to be woken up by a gentle knock on the door and a quiet beg for entry, instead there was nothing. I got up and got dressed, betsy had quietly enter the room earlier and laid out my clothes for work. When I got down stairs betsy was folding clothes and the male was no where in site. As soon as she saw me betsy went and got my coffee and brought me a cup and then asked if I wished a bagel for breakfast (my usual favorite) I informed her I would like that and she was off to prepare it. She was moving slowly so I knew she was still in pain but she seemed to be a little better than the night before.


As I sat there contemplating what to do I found myself amazed, 30 years experience and he could not follow a simple directive. I know for a fact that there was a alarm clock in the room he was staying, since it was the slave room and he was sleeping in betsy's bed since she could not climb stairs at this point. When I had been in this lifestyle for less than 6 months I showed more respect than this individual, betsy who has only been a slave for 6 yrs would never pull some of the crap that this male has pulled. 30 yrs experience and he has no discipline, no obedience, no motivation and no skill. I just don't understand this at all.


I waited until almost 2:20pm before I headed out to work, and just as I was getting up he came down the stairs. I gave him one look of disgust and headed out the door. By now I can safely tell you my nerves were shot to hell. I was positive that this male had some serious issues that he had not disclosed to me and that chances are he was going to be sent back home.


I get home and sure enough he is not up again, at this point I am glad not to have to worry with him, but I knew that I must make a decision as to his future and what was happening in my house. My friend has come over during the day and he had stayed with betsy because he knew how upset this male was making her. He informed me that at one point during the day the male had been screaming at betsy about something and that she had told him to get out of her face and leave her alone, when he continued to torment her she had told my friend to call the cops. My friend is about 6 foot 4 about and is a pretty big young man, he may only be 22 yrs old but he definitely is protective of me, my house and betsy. So even though he was asleep at the time he heard her yell he jumped off the day bed and ran into the office where she was, but by that time the male was already out of the house and walking down the street. They informed me that he came back home smelling like booze and that he merely went to his room and that he had been there ever since. When I heard all this I began to worry about the safety of my slave and my house. I knew I had to put and end to this. I go to bed to try and get some rest but sleep was definitely not easy coming.


Thurs, Nov 11th

I am woke up by the slamming of a door downstairs and a lot of yelling. The first thing I think of is betsy, so I jump out of bed and head out my door. Only to be greeted by betsy who is coming up the stairs followed closely by the male, both of them screaming. Betsy nearly in tears saying she cant handle this, and walks past me into my room and slams the door. The male stands there saying that she is psychotic, that I need to get rid of her. That she is threatening to call the cops because he wouldn't shut the front door quick enough for her. Yelling at me telling me that my slave is neurotic and mentally disturbed is not the way to awaken me in the morning to say the least. I order the male to go down stairs and get out of my sight...as he turns I can smell the distinct smell of alcohol on him... drinking again. I go into my room where betsy is crying saying she cant deal with him, begging for my forgiveness saying that she wanted me to have another slave so bad, someone that could keep the house the way I like it and do the things she couldn't do. I held her and told her it wasn't her fault that apparently he had some issues and that he had lied about a few things when he had described himself prior to coming to live there. It is at this point that she informs me that he threatened to write to all his groups and tell them how neurotic she was and how crazy she was, and that he said he was going to write to my group and tell them all about this experience. I just smiled and told her not to worry that every thing would be fine. All the while gritting my teeth.


I left betsy upstairs to calm down and went downstairs to talk to the male. The first thing I addressed was how could someone with supposedly 30 yrs experience behave in such a manner. After about 30 minutes he admitted that he had actually only had about one year of real time experience and that the remaining time had been on line, or pay sessions with a Dominatrix. After another 20 to 30 minutes he admitted to the fact that he was currently on Prozac for "depression", although he also stated something about one doctor who thought he was bi-polar and another who thought he was psychotic. It takes a few more minutes and he admits to me that he is an alcoholic. I also inform him that I will not tolerate him spreading lies about myself, betsy or my house, and that if he does anything along that manner that I would see that he would be prosecuted by every legal means at my disposal. He claimed he just said that stuff because he was upset at betsy and that he would never do anything like that. 


Again I am late to leave for work. I tell betsy to keep her distance from him and that I would take care of everything since I am off the next day, and that if she wants to go spend the day with a friend that she could. I inform the male to stay away from betsy and to not even talk to her; that we would talk more when I got home. Off to work again, and at this point I was dreading coming home.

Well I come home and this time he is up waiting on me, surprise...surprise. I walk into the room and prepare to sit down and tell him that I could no longer tolerate his presence in my household that I wanted him gone as soon as possible. The male however beats me to the point. He states that he loves being my slave but betsy was just too much for him to handle and that he was going to go home. I told him that I agreed that it would be the best thing all around and we talked for a little while before I went into the office and started looking up cost for airplane tickets, and car rentals...he couldn't take the bus because of the Doberman, the male went to bed after I left the room. After a while I went back in and discussed everything with betsy, the only thing that bothered her is she wanted me to explode all over him and tell him what a worthless slave he was, and that he was a liar and drunken bum. Even though it would have felt good to release all the pent up frustration from just a few days with this individual I was not about to loose control and I knew if I opened up like I wanted to that I would unleash hell on earth on that individual and I wasn't about to stoop to that level. So we talked, I drank some warm tea and then I went to bed.


Fri, Nov 12th

I had arranged for another friend to come over and give the male a lesson cooking but I told him not to bother with the lesson, but that I would love to see him anyway. He asked if he could bring over a friend and I informed him that it would be fine. It was probably 3pm when the male finally woke up and came downstairs, when he showed up I informed him that I was having guests over that night and I did not wish him to be present when they came over. He acted as if I had slapped him in the face, I also informed him of the information that I had found out about the flights and car rentals.


He seemed to be having second thoughts about leaving but I would hear nothing of it. I informed him that he was leaving as soon as possible, today if possible but Saturday at the latest. He then informed me that he had no way to rent a car and that he had spent all his money. I personally had to borrow money in order to get down to where he lived and bring him back, and my car was having serious transmission problems so I had no way to expedite his removal from my home.  He informed me that he had thought he had lost his credit card two days ago and had called it in as lost and that they were suppose to overnight a new card to him. He then proceeded to call his parents to find out what they could do. They informed him that they would wire him some cash and that his credit card had been sent there and that they would send it out next day air and get it up to my place on Sat by 8am. His father called me back and asked if I would mind allowing his son to stay there for the night, I informed him that as long as he did not drink any alcohol that he could stay.


Later the male came in and I informed him that his father had called. He wanted to know what I had told his father, so I told him exactly what I had said. He suddenly began to panic, stating that now his father new that he had f**ked up and that he was a failure once again. I explained that I had been honest with his father and that I would not lie for him or anyone. The male then informed me that he had told his father the reason that he was being asked to leave was because my daughter was back home and that he had no where to sleep since he was sleeping in her bed. I told him that I think his father is smart enough to realize that his son is an alcoholic. The male then proceeded to call his parents and ask them what I said about him, right there in front of me...I could not believe the nerve. He asked his father if I had said a bunch of bad things about him and if I had lied about him, apparently his father told him that I had not but he also probably mentioned the drinking because the male started saying things like "Do you think I am being a bad guest? Is that what you think? Did she tell you that? " He kept it up for a few minutes and then hung up the phone. By that time I went into the office and was working at my computer, the male had the nerve to come in and ask me if we could still be friends after all this. I almost laughed out loud. He wanted to know if in six months or so, once he had the alcohol under control if he could come back and try again, I wanted to try and encourage him as much as possible without giving him false hopes so I told him anything is possible. I also informed him that he has to realize that no one would want him as long as he is drinking and that no one would put up with that type of behavior. He begged me not to hate him and to guarantee him that I wouldn't kick him out of the house. I told him as long as he behaved then he could spend the night but that was it. If he didn't get his credit card tomorrow then he was going to a motel. For some reason I was worried about what he was up to... especially since he now knew I was having guests over later.


Well 7pm came around and my guests showed up, and darned if he didn't come downstairs to inform me that he had had a nightmare and that he couldn't find the door to the room. I told him that he needed to go back upstairs and that he was not invited to stay downstairs with my guests. I could tell he had been drinking again. In fact he had been drinking so much he was drooling on himself and staggering about the room. I ordered him to go upstairs and he started going to my guests and asking them if he could stay downstairs with them. After repeating myself multiple times, trying not to embarrass myself any more than this creature had already managed to do...especially since the individuals that had come over for a visit were vanilla... betsy chimed in and informed the male that these were her Mistress's guest and that he was not welcome downstairs. With that he took his Doberman and went upstairs, the whole time talking about how he was not wanted, and that betsy was just being a bitch, that she wanted my guests all to herself. After he went upstairs I wanted to scream, I apologized to my guests and begged their forgiveness, betsy set about getting refreshments for everyone and I just sat down, by this time I was practically shaking with anger and frustration. I had two more guests show up and hence threw myself into the role of being a gracious hostess. I was enjoying myself and so were my guests. We talked and laughed for quite a while and then one had to go home, but the others stayed. Betsy had retired to the office to play on the computer and wait to serve if needed; one of my guests went in and talked with her for a while.


The other two and I were in the kitchen enjoying some tea, about that time here the male comes down again. This time he asks me if I had come up to the room and had taken the clock and the lamp from the room, I first explain to him that I did not go upstairs nor would I do anything so rude as abandon my guests while I was entertaining. He stated that he had woke up and the clock and the lamp were missing and that it was pitch black in the room and that he could not find the door and that he was frightened. I informed him to turn on the hall light and leave the door open and go back to bed that he was drunk and disturbing my guests. He denied being drunk and then started to talk to one of my guests, I walked over to him and informed him that if he did not go upstairs this instant that I would go upstairs and pack his belongings and escort him to the closest motel and that he could worry about getting home on his own. He started to say something but I guess it was the look in my eyes that made him realize that I was deadly serious, and he preceded to hang his head and go back upstairs. Again I apologized to my guests and we continued to enjoy the night. One of my guest had to go home, and since he had had his brother bring him and his friend over he needed a ride, my other friend was going home as well so he volunteered to take him home, but the young girl that came with him decided that she that she wanted to stay around for a while longer and so the guys left and we stayed up until around 4:30am talking. At which time we both decided that we needed to go to bed, I offered to take her home or to let her sleep the night on the day bed, and she chose the day bed.


Sat, Nov 13th

I get out of bed and find that the male was already up and he had gotten the credit card from his father and that he just needed to make a few calls to find out what is the cheapest car rental in the area. So after a few minutes I managed to clear my brain enough to get up and take the cup of coffee betsy offered. After a few minutes my guest woke up and asked if I could take her back to her place by around 2pm, I agreed and was about to get up and check my email when in comes the male. He states that his money is at Western Union and that he needed me to take him to the car rental place and get the car. I wanted him out of my house as quickly as possible so I asked my guest if I could take him first, she agreed and I went about getting dressed.


I took the male to the Western Union office and then to the Airport where the car rental place was, on the way there I realized that he had not bathed except for the one day that I had ordered him to. The smell was so bad I had to roll the window down while I drove him to the airport. I informed him that he reeked, but apparently he didn't think anything about it.


When I got back home I went up to the slave room to find out what kind of damage there was, and the room was fairly well picked up, apparently he had taken my threat earlier about cleaning the room before he left seriously. I did find the large bottle of beer, as well as several small bottles and two pint containers of vodka empty in his room, I also found the bottle of pain pills the doctor had given him...they were empty. He had taken 30 Percucet in just three days; the prescription states one pill every 5 to 6 hours as needed. So that meant he was taking 10 pills a day, at least twice what the doctor ordered, and drinking alcohol on top of that....plus his Prozac to boot, and he was taking Passion Flower and Valerian, two herbs that are meant to help calm the nerves. No wonder he spent most of his time passed out up stairs, I am surprised he didn't kill himself with a combination like that. I went back down stairs to wait for him to get back.


When he got back he was rather quick about it and got his property and his dog and packed them in the SUV he had rented. As he was getting ready to pull out I ran out and gave him all his personal information that he had given me, the information I had taken for his slave file. I told him that perhaps he could find someone else and then he might need the information. That was the last I saw of him but not the last I heard from him.


Two days later the male tried to reapply in my group, since he had made threats previously I decided to not allow him to rejoin the group...although I did not remove him from the group in the first place.


The next thing I know is I receive a threatening email....



----- Original Message -----

From: xxx xxxxxxxx

To: norisch1@mchsi.com

Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:11 AM

Subject: Trash


If I wanted to trash you, it would be easy... but not important enough to search out the individual members of your group.  However, as this is what you expect, I will simply tell the truth ( the whole truth including your names, phone #, address, and wierdness whenever it is relevant to anyone or any group I communicate with.   I do belong to almost 100 Femdom and Bdsm groups and get around, as you are aware.

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Well to say the least I wasn't surprised, but instead of responding to his threats I simply forwarded the information to Yahoo, and allowed them to take care of it. Since then I have heard nothing.


I write all of this for you all to realize what hazards there are out there when you are looking for a slave/sub. This is not the normal experience by any means but it did happen and it could happen to you. I must caution you all to be honest and upfront, to ask questions and go with your gut instincts. If it doesn't feel right for any reason then get out, leave or just plain run.


There are always stories warning subs and slaves about freaks out there and wannabees dominants or kinksters. So here is a story for the Dominants, please be careful and use your best judgment with every one.


 As with everything this is my opinion, take what you will and leave the rest. If you wish to contact me, my email address is Norisch1@mchsi.com. If you wish to see more of my work you may find a complete listing of all my writings at.... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Norisches_Quill/?yguid=99788111   in the files section.





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