little's Playground Chat Guidelines

This chat serves all of The Masque sites, The Masque, The WIKtT Archives, and The BDSM Garden.

You are most welcome to The Masque, The WIKtT Archives, The Garden, and the Courtesan's Ballroom. Please abide by the Courtesan's rules to ensure an enjoyable time in her home.

O/our littles' Playground Mission Statement:

A heavenly place to frolic in our safe childhood glee while allowing the needed escape from the Big world. Busting the myths of DD/lg, MD/lb, and CG/l and appreciating all the nurturing forms in the Lifestyle.

O/our littles' Playground Rules:

1. All Site Rules and TOS apply and are listed below the specific Playground rules.

a. Absolutely No underage sexual roleplay in public or private (roleplaying under the age of 18.) There are no exceptions and violation will result in a ban.

b. No sexual scene playing in main chat, regardless of age limits

c. No solicitation in main chat or PM of incestuous or pedophilia play. There are no exceptions and violation will result in a ban.

d. No SPAM or advertising/soliciting for a partner.

e. No trolling, inclusive of passive/aggressive trolling

2. Treatment of fellow members as applies:

a. No PMing without asking permission unless specifically released by a member. PM blanket consent may be withdrawn at any time by the other person without needing to explain why

b. No Dominant may impose on a little not their own

c. No little may be rude to a Dominant by individual or by group prank and cross boundary lines of general courtesy to Dominant(s) in the room

d. Boundaries of action texting another member should be asked for and consensual. i.e. hugging, kissing are forms of actions with another member. General courtesy as if offline face to face should be observed

3. Courtesy is mandated from all and to all members in the room with the caveat that this room is for and about Littles and their needs.

a. All littles will be treated with equal courtesy. No belittling or demeaning of any member, regardless of status

b. Be mindful different types of littles and may be defined uniquely by them

c. Littles should be playful but not looking for trouble

d. No BDSM bratting, contrary behavior and/or no seeking negative attention either in main chat or in PMs Negative Attention seeking is a site TOS violation

e. No bragging in a manner to promote jealousy, purposeful demeaning, intentional hurting another member, and/or passive aggressive forms of trolling and/or revenge

f. no seeking advice for the same issue with multiple users in PM as this is a form of negative attention seeking, a TOS violation. Ask in main for a group opinion.

g. No pornographic images not related to a topic of discussion and/or BDSM teaching theme. If unsure, ask a mod to preview to give permission to release the photograph.

h. Absolutely no photographs or artwork with minors depicted may be displayed. There are no exceptions and violation will result in a ban and will be forwarded to U.S. Federal authorities.

4. Common sense and respect govern protocol with the caveat that this room is for and about littles and their needs.

a. littles with Dominant(s), Mentor(s), or Protector(s) that have rules and protocols in place will observe their rules first as long as it does not violate site rules and room rules

b. Entry and leaving protocol is determined at the submissive or little's will.

1)Protocol entry and leaving will be based on established protocol with your Dominant(s), Mentor(s), Caregiver(s) or Protector(s).

2) All others will be based on personal preference but not required by the room.

3) If entry and exit protocol is observed by a member and no one replies, it is understood your entry has been granted

c. No purposeful rules breaking of your Dominant(s), Mentor(s), or Protector(s) as established by them

d. No encouraging others to break rules

e. be courteous to kink choices even if not your kink
1) be open to different views


f. no demanding subject/topic changes unless it is a room majority consensus by 70%.

1) if topic is sensitive to you, you may politely request a change to a room mod in PM backing up a reasonable statement as to why. Excusing yourself until a later time is always an acceptable option.

2) if topic is not changed, then quietly excuse self out of room

e. no promotion of illegal substances, self-harm, or anything that can violate the tenets of safe, sane, consensual (SSC)

This site, its chat rooms, and/or membership are not/are not encouraged act as or to be certified or qualified to assist or advise any members with the tenets of Rule 5g or any mental health issues. Any licensed therapeutic chat members may not be licensed in your country and/or US State to practice therapy and thus should not be called upon to assist with mental health issues. Users are encouraged to seek professional, certified help in your local community offline and follow those that therapies have been recommended to you.

5. O/our littles' Playground posts are not to be captured by any of its members for reduplication to any other member unless it is for the express purpose of site moderation needs, which will only go to a Site moderator of any rank regardless of Dominant, submissive, or S/switch status.

a. No tattle telling on a submissive. Taken submissives are expected to be honest with their own Caregiver(s), Dominant(s), Mentor(s), or Protector(s)

b. Exceptions to violating the no tattle telling:

1) known TOS violations

). known room violations

c. Please attempt to resolve with assigned Room Moderators in private conversation.

1) If you feel you need to escalate your concerns, feel free to contact any Global Moderator or Site Administrator via private message, who will determine if it needs to escalate to Super Site Administrator and/or The Courtesan (site owner).

Specific Room Rules - Know the Rules for Your Room

• To view the rules for all Chats, click here.
• To view the rules for The BDSM Garden, click here.
• To view the rules for the Il Solaio, click here.
• To view the rules for the sub haven, click here.
• To view the rules for the pets and littles room, click here.
• To view the rules for Moderators and Admins, click here.

Event Etiquette and Rules
• To view the rules for the Hot Topics chatroom, click here.
• To view the Etiquette during Purposeful Topics, click here.
• To view the rules for Orgies and Play Parties, click here.

Site Links 
• To view the chat calendar, click and register here.
• To view the website Privacy Policy, click here.
• To view the website Terms of Use, click here.
• To view the website FAQ, click here.
• To view the website Guidelines, click here
• To view the website Cookie Policy, click here.

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